Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Au Sable Light Station

In this modern world we live in, there are only so many remote lighthouses in existence. One of which is situated along the banks of Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - within the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.

In order to reach the Au Sable Light Station, a four mile round trip hike, from the log slide overlook, must be made through the forest to Au Sable Point.

As usual, I was torn whether or not to allocate the time necessary to make the journey. I'm always trying to condense a month's worth of activities into a handful of days, and was enroute to Copper Harbor. After making it this far, I had to make the trek to the lighthouse.

The trail there was incredible. It was a small but well worn footpath traversing the gently rolling terrain, as I transitioned from the dunes to the lighthouse, along this finger of land - protruding out into the waters.

Along the way there were sections of boardwalk necessitated by boggy areas. Occasionally the forest floor would disappear under a vivid green blanket of wild ferns.

As a bonus, the trail would intermittently break out to the edge of the great lake's shoreline. Rewarding you with a remote pebble beach. It felt as if I was the only human being on earth.

Eventually, the light tower popped into view and loomed above - as I stepped out of the forest.

This light tower was built in 1873-1874. The base of the tower is 16 feet wide and it is 87 feet tall.

Tours are offered at this light during certain hours, allowing you to climb the tower. They also have passport stamps available if you are a collector.

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