Along the trailhead on the way to Tahquamenon falls they had a Michigan Gray Wolf display with a few information placards.
The Wolf being my long time favorite animal, I took some pictures to post, along with the informative signs.
I know the wolf is a very controversial animal in America, and I try to be understanding of other peoples views and stance on the subject. If nothing else, I respect their right to their opinion.
Over the years I have read many books on the wolf, and their habits, and way of life.
The sad part is that alot of human beings lack the social order these animals have.
I feel, like most issues in the world, the controversy is mostly driven from fear and greed !!!
A co worker I know Deer hunts in the Mount Arvon area of the U.P. every year.
There is a heavy Wolf population up there and he has seen them while hunting a few times.
Once, he was all camo'd out and sitting in the bush, looking out onto a trail, as a large male, followed by a smaller female, came trotting down the trail.
The trail passed right by his position.
When the large male came into close proximity to him, the Wolf stopped dead in his tracks and looked my friend right in the eye.
After a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, the large male and his companion continued on their way.
Needless to say my friends hair was standing on end !!!
I envy him being able to experience that.
Another time something similar happened to his son.
A small pack came trotting by his position, flanking him on both sides as they passed and acknowledging his position by looking directly at him.
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